
Subsume synonym
Subsume synonym

subsume synonym

is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for "help". The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for "appreciate". Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word. Best synonyms for 'subsume' are 'encompass', 'contain' and 'include'.

subsume synonym

Antonym definitionĪn antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Synonyms for Subsume Synonyms for 'Subsume'. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. Extract from : « An Introduction to the Philosophy of Law » by Roscoe PoundĪ synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning.We are invited to subsume questions of law and of the application of law under the social ideal of the time and place.Extract from : « Kant's Theory of Knowledge » by Harold Arthur Prichard.Hence the problem arises, 'How is it possible to subsume objects of empirical perception under pure conceptions?'.In the same way the actions of a self-conscious moral agent, such as man, depend upon and subsume the laws of animal life.Extract from : « On the Genesis of Species » by St.Similarly the actions of animal life depend upon and subsume the laws of organic matter.

subsume synonym

Extract from : « Kant's Critique of Judgement » by Immanuel Kant.Now under these laws the Judgement is determinant, for it has nothing to do but to subsume under given laws.Did you actually mean hoggish or hoagie Wikipedia(5.00 / 1 vote)Rate this definition. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word huggies. Extract from : « German philosophy and politics » by John Dewey What does huggies mean Definitions for huggies hug·gies.It only remains to subsume each empirical event under its proper category.Extract from : « The Critique of Pure Reason » by Immanuel Kant.In the next place I subsume a cognition under the condition of the rule (and this is the minor) by means of the judgement.

Subsume synonym